Data thoughts Image analysis Machine learning R

Binary trees as a simple approach to image classification.

Binary trees are a simple, yet powerful machine learning tool used for classification. In this post, we will use them to classify images of breast cancer.
Data thoughts R

Create awesome plots with ggplot!

This post will introduce you to ggplot, an R package which makes it super-easy to create visually pleasing plots with just a few lines of code!
Data thoughts R Statistical modelling

Linear regression in R – a step-by-step guide (part 2)

Linear regression is one of the simplest, yet powerful machine learning techniques. I will teach you how to handle multiple predictors & interactions in R!
Data thoughts R Statistical modelling

Linear regression in R – part 1

Linear regression is one of the simplest, yet extremely powerful statistical techniques, that you definitely want to study in detail. Here we will see how to do it in R!